What is important
in a beginner's piano?
People often tell
me that their child has started piano lessons and that they've bought
an old piano for some small sum, or even just for the cost of moving.
Since they don't know if their child's interest level will sustain, they
don't want to invest a lot of money.
But what parents don't often realize is that the old Klunker & Sons
upright they've bought, while seemingly enjoyable at first, may become
a hindrance to that enjoyment as the child progresses. The young player
will soon notice that the beautiful music s/he can produce on the teacher's
piano is an impossibility on the home piano and the child becomes discouraged.
Since repairing a very old instrument would likely be a bad investment,
it would be better to stretch the budget a little and get a newer one,
of better quality and needing fewer or no repairs. Furthermore, since
that junker bought to suffice "temporarily" is not likely to
be replaced anytime soon, it would be advisable instead to get something
which the student can "grow into".
For a more in depth discussion on this topic, refer to
The Piano Book, by Larry Fine.